Tea pot, c. 1725
Du Paquier Porcelain
Manufactory, Vienna;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Height: 14.5 cm

Vase, c. 1725
Du Paquier Porcelain
Manufactory, Vienna;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Height: 27.5 cm

Pilgrim flask, c. 1725
Du Paquier Porcelain
Manufactory, Vienna;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Height: 18.5 cm

Broth bowl, c. 1725-1730
Du Paquier Porcelain
Manufactory, Vienna;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Height: 9.5 cm

Tray, c. 1730
Du Paquier Porcelain
Manufactory, Vienna;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Enamels in schwarzlot;
Length: 43 cm

Plate, c. 1730
Du Paquier Porcelain
Manufactory, Vienna;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Enamels in schwarzlot;
Diameter: 22.5 cm

Cup and saucer-trembleuse,
c. 1735
Du Paquier Porcelain
Manufactory, Vienna;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Height of cup: 7.1 cm, diameter
of saucer: 13.7 cm

Lady with flower basket,
c. 1744-1749
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, reign of Maria Theresia;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gilding;
Impressed Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height: 14.9 cm

Bust of Empress Maria
Theresia, c. 1750
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory
Vienna, reign of Maria Theresia;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
Height: 36.5 cm

Carska manufaktura porculana,
Beč, razdoblje Marije Terezije,
Bezgrešno začeće Djevice
Marije, oko 1760.
Tvrdi porculan, glaziran, drveno
Modar austrijski Bindenschild
ispod glazure;
Visina s postoljem: 39 cm

Allegory of Winter, c. 1760
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, reign of Maria Theresia;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height: 21 cm

Allegory of Geography, c. 1770
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, reign of Maria Theresia;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height: 19.5 cm

Rape of Europa, c. 1793
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Sorgenthal era;
Biscuit (hard-paste) porcelain;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height: 34 cm

Pair of vases with handels
shaped like heads of
billy goats, c. 1796
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of vase: 27 cm

Cup and saucer painted after
"Cupid carving
his bow", c. 1796, Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Diameter of plate: 24.3 cm

Cup and saucer painted with
medallion with the silhouette
of a female bust, c. 1797
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of cup: 6 cm, diameter of
saucer: 14 cm
Inscription on the cup: Marie
Therese Princesse Royale
de France

Pair of vases painted with
mythological scenes, c. 1800
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of vases: 30.6 cm

Cup and saucer painted with
a girl holding a mirror and
a dog, c. 1800
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of cup: 5.9 cm, diameter of
saucer: 13.5 cm

Coffee service painted with
children at play, c. 1800
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Dimensions of tray: 35.7 cm

Cup and saucer painted with
vedutas of Pompei, c. 1800
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of cup: 6 cm, diameter of
saucer: 13.7 cm
Natpis na šalici: Vue prise
dans l'architecture du tombeau
de Momia

Cup and saucer painted in
imitation of lapis lazuli,
amethyst and marble, c. 1800
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of cup: 6 cm, diameter of
saucer: 13.5 cm

Cup and saucer painted with
chinoiseries, c. 1801
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of cup: 6 cm, diameter of
saucer: 13.2 cm

Tray painted with the portraits
of Princesses of Naples and
Maria Amalia and Maria
Christina, c. 1801
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Lenght of tray: 31.7 cm, width
of tray: 24 cm

Cup and saucer painted with
medalions with Amor, c. 1802
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of cup: 6 cm, diameter of
saucer: 13.2 cm

Cup and saucer painted with
Conon being fed by his
daughter Peroneia, c. 1804
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Height of cup with cover: 8 cm,
diameter of saucer: 13 cm
Inscription on the cup: Zum
Angedenken von ihren Freunde
Johann Ferstler

Plate painted with vedutas of
Prater, c. 1805
Imperial Porcelain Manufactory,
Vienna, Sorgenthal era;
Hard-paste porcelain, overglaze
enamels, gold relief work,
polished gilding;
Underglaze blue Austrian
Bindenschild device;
Diameter of plate: 24.5 cm